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6月27日美国新奥尔良大学David Hui教授学术报告


报 告 题 目 : Composites under Harsh Environments: Civil EngineeringandAerospaceEngineeringperspectives

主 讲 人:DavidHui(美国新奥尔良大学教授)

时 间:6 月 27 日上午 9:30-11:30

地 点:机械与运载工程学院 316 报告厅

主讲人简介:Dr.DavidHuiisProfessorofMechanicalEngineering and director of Composites Materials Research Laboratory at University of New Orleans. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in AerospaceEngineering. Dr.Hui haseditedover35widelycitedbooks, as evidence in the Google Search showing over 14000 citations. Other books includes, editor ofArmy Research Office workshop "Dynamics of Structures" proceedings, ICCE/1-19, SES, ASME books and numerous special issues of journals, and served as numerous keynote lecturers. He has served as founder and editor-in-chief of one of the most prestigious journals in composite materials, Composites B Engineering journal. This journal has consistently ranked second or third among all composite materials journals in terms of impact factors. Curently, he serves on the editorial board of 41 international journals, seven of them are nano journals, and the rest are mostly composite materials journals. Dr. Hui is currentlyASME Fellow, ICCE Life Member,AIAAAssociate Fellow and CASI Associate Fellow. Dr. Hui was awarded The Ohio State University Research Award, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Certificate of recognition, ASME Ralph James Award (ASME Petroleum Division), NASA Certificates of Recognition, ASME ETCE Service Awards, the University of New Orleans Alumni (lifetime) Career Research Achievement Award and the University of New Orleans, University ResearchProfessor.Dr. Hui isthe chairman ofICCE, which hasgrown to be the world's pre-eminent annual "technical" composite materials or nano-materialsconference.