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报告题目Machine learning based engineering design






主讲人简介:FengZhu(朱峰),美国安柏瑞德航空航天大学(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)副教授(tenure track),博士生导师,计算仿真实验室主任;美国麻省理工学院(MIT)冲击与抗撞性实验室(Impact and Crashworthiness Lab)长期高级访问学者。朱峰博士主要从事于汽车与飞行器结构安全,汽车轻量化及人体损伤生物力学与防护等方向的教学和研究工作。已出版专著一本,发表论文百余篇,其中包括七十余篇国际期刊论文,论文总引用数超过1700余次。担任多个国际期刊的特邀编委,40多个国际期刊审稿专家,美国陆军研究基金评审专家。连续六年担任美国汽车工程师年会(SAE World Congress)安全分会召集人及分会主席。目前还担任SAE车辆成员防护委员会委员,以及SAE 2018-19年度Forest R. McFarland杰出贡献奖获得者。

报告简介:Complicated engineering products such as cars with a large number of components can be regarded as big data systems, where the vast amount of dependent and independent design variables must be considered systematically during the product development. To design such a system with high-dimensional design variables, we are aiming at developing a novel methodology based on data mining theory, and it is implemented through designing a crashworthy passenger car, which is a multi-level (system – components) complicated system. Decision tree technique was used to mine the crash simulation datasets to identify the key design variables with most significant effect on the vehicular energy absorption response and determine the range of their values. In this way, the design space can be significantly reduced and the high-dimensional design problem is greatly simplified. The results suggest that the data mining-based approach can be used to design a complicated structure with multiple parameters effectively and efficiently. Compared with the traditional design method, the new approach could simplify and speed up the design process without significant influence on the accuracy.
