Recently, Associate Prof. Zhao Yan and Prof. Jiang Chao from the HNU Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering College and Prof. Cao Yanping and Prof. Feng Xiqiao from the Tsinghua University published a paper together titled “Wrinkling pattern evolution on curved surfaces” on theJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. The impact factor of the journal is 4.087.
Based on their previous research, they established a control equation applicable to wrinkling pattern in a general soft material system with curved surfaces. They investigated the effects of surface curvature on the wrinkling pattern evolution in soft materials. A Fourier spectral method is developed to track the surface wrinkling pattern evolution in a curved bilayer system.

Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the wrinkling pattern in a soft material system with curved surfaces. The solid line represents the theoretical result and the dashed lines are obtained from simulations.

Fig. 2. Key features of the labyrinth pattern.