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Advancedhybrid manufacturing technology represents the manufacturing level of a country.It is also acommanding height of science and technology that people are competing for around the world. On March 2018, the Science and Technology Department of Hunan province officially approved the establishment of the Hunan International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Base of Advanced Hybrid Manufacturing. Theprincipal of the cooperation base is Prof. Shaohui Yin.

The base aims at the current great demand for advanced hybrid manufacturing technology incutting-edge scientific and technological industries such asaerospace, energy, defense, and biomedical industries,as well aspromotes technology through intimate and substantive cooperation with universities and research institutes in Japan and the United States and so on,including R&D cooperation, talent training, service capacity building, international humanities exchange, international technical training, etc.

The base,currently, is mainly focusing on three main areas: equipment and processes for additive and subtractive manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and hybrid manufacturing. The research directions include intelligent laser additive manufacturing, micro/nano-manufacturing, ultra-fast laser processing, composite micro/nano-processing, real-time monitoring and intelligent control of laser micro/nano-processing,manufactureof intelligent structure and functional structure.

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