Micro/nano-machining Technology Applications and Basic Research
涂忆柳博士是加拿大卡尔加里大学机械及制造工程系终身教授和加拿大计算机集成系统有限公司董事会主席。取得华中科技大学工业电子学工学学士,机械工程工学硕士和丹麦奥尔堡大学生产工程哲学博士学位。主要研究领域为OKP产品设计和制造以及超快激光微/纳加工。目前已发表学术论文共计166篇,其中SCI 76篇, EI 106篇, 研究专著5部。论文引用合计862次。SME(美国制造工程师协会)高级会员和加拿大阿尔伯塔省(Alberta, Canada)注册工程师(APEGA,P.Eng.)。在新西兰和加拿大获取过数个研究优秀奖,是几十个学术期刊的编委会成员和审稿人,担任加拿大(例如NSERC),中国大陆(例如中国自然科学基金委员会),中国香港(例如Innovation and Technology Fund, RGC),新西兰和新加坡等国家和地区的政府基金评审员,多次担任国际学术会议的程序委员会(Program Committee)委员和专业委员会主席(Track Chair)。
Micro/nano-machining Technology Applications and Basic Research
Abstract:Manufacturing on a micro/nano-scale is needed in high precision engineering, micro-sensor production, bio-medicine engineering, and micro-electronics. Femtosecond laser, due to its ultrahigh focused energy density can ablate a wide range of materials (silicon, metals, alloys, glass, plastics, etc.) at a very fine resolution. Through a CFI (Canadian Foundation for Innovation) funding, a six-axis (x, y, z plus three rotations) femtosecond laser micro/nano-machine tool, capable of machining complicated geometric shapes on a micro/nano-scale level, has been built by Professor Yiliu Tu’s research group in the SCHULICH School of Engineering. Using this facility, the following research projects have been carried out: (1) Biological cell dissection, (2) Bioabsorbable stents for cerebrovascular diseases, (3) Sensor development for atmosphere monitoring satellite, (4) Surface treatment, and (5) Basic theoretical research in micro/nano-machining technology. This seminar will present the progress and achievements of these projects.